Fall break was last weekend. We had Monday and Tuesday off, but I mostly stayed on campus. I watched Return of the King with friends, did a lot of knitting and reading, caught up on my favorite tv shows. That Monday night, though, I went into LA with 3 friends to attend a book signing. The book, Heat Wave by Richard Castle, is a promotional thing for the tv show Castle, so the entire male part of the cast was there, including Nathan Fillion who is one of my favorite actors. Here is a picture of me and a few of my friends waiting in line at the book signing.

This weekend Taylor and I went to a concert in LA. Ben Gibbard (the front man for Deathcab for Cutie) was performing a soundtrack to a new documentary about Jack Kerouac. I haven't read any Kerouac, but the music was good, and I really enjoyed the concert.
This weekend was also Preview Day, when a bunch of prospective students come to look at the college. I've been volunteering with the admissions office, and hosted 3 girls for about 5 hours. We all went to dinner and then took a walk along the campuses. I love being able to answer questions and just talk to people about Scripps. I host another prospective student tomorrow night, and she will spend the night in the room. I'm really looking forward to it.
I don't have a Halloween costume yet. It's problematic. I'm supposed to host a Halloween contest on Thursday and I don't want to look lame. :(