Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Long Weekend

I can't believe our Thanksgiving break is almost over. 4 days seemed much longer on Wednesday than it does in retrospect.
Thursday I spent at Taylor's house for Thanksgiving. It was good to be around a family, even if it wasn't my family. I guess in a way they kind of are a family to me. Theirs is sort of an adopted family, more family friends than blood relations as far as I can tell. And, for a change, I was the second youngest person there. Thanksgiving just isn't the same without all my younger cousins. And of course, Grandma's mashed potatoes and gravy, and home-made pumpkin pie. Maybe next year I should come home for Thanksgiving.

Friday I cleaned my room. You probably wouldn't be able to tell, but it's true!

Saturday, I told myself I was going to do more work than I actually did. I went to Target with a carful of my friends, and then to the Mall. I didn't wind up with much, Peanut butter Cap'n Crunch, some christmas cards to send out and a pretty clearanced head scarf to bring to Dubai.

Today I've actually gotten more done. Harvey Mudd finally stepped up to the plate and had a decent brunch this morning. Eggs Benedict, a waffle bar, a smoothie bar, good fruit. Yesterday, almost all of the cereal had run out, the only fruit left were green apples and honeydew, and the bagels were not very bagel-y at all. It was a sour dissapointment and spoiled much of the day. I have a hypothesis that the better the food is, the more productive I am. I completely read Making History today, which is a play that we're reading for Core, and I just started some laundry. And now I'm updating this thing. I think it can all be attributed to the eggs benedict.

Tomorrow school starts up again, and I'm not looking forward to it. I've got 6 things on my calendar for tomorrow in addition to classes, which is really overwhelming. Even though one of those things is Gossip Girl.

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