Last week I had tests in 2 classes and a paper due, which made it a hard week, but it went by really quickly. The election was great to watch. I saw both the speeches streaming live online while I was at work that day. It's a bummer that Prop 8 passed here in California, banning gay marriage. People are really up in arms over it. I don't remember that kind of reaction in Oregon when we passed it as Measure 36 a few years ago. Maybe now stuff will actually get done about it. I thik what's even worse is that Arkansas banned gay couples from adopting children. But then again, we don't expect much different from Arkansas.
This weekend was pretty quiet. Friday night I went to the Southern California A capella Music Festival at Pomona, which was a lot of fun. Groups from the five colleges, as well as UCLA and USC came and they all did great. The Claremont mens group did a version of the Backstreet Boys "The Call" which made me very happy. Unfortunately, another group did "Come on, Eileen" which means it will be stuck in my head for the rest of eternity.
My friend Melody has dreams of starting her own pirate themed a capella group.
Anyway, I don't have Halloween pictures yet, because Taylor hasn't gotten around to sending me any. But Ellie did finally upload pictures from Arizona! That last picture is capuchin monkeys dressed up as jockeys riding dogs... Depressing, yea? It was called the banana derby.

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