In other news, over the last couple of days I've developed Bell's Palsy which is a paralysis or weakening of the muscles on the right side of my face, caused by some sort of trauma to the 7th cranial nerve. The doctor said it was probably a virus I caught on campus that attacked the nerve instead of making me sick. The last couple of days food has been tasting really weird, and then my hearing became super sensitive, and then yesterday I was having trouble eating and wrapping my mouth around a straw. I asked the girls I was eating with if my smile was lopsided, which it was, so I called the on-call doctor on campus who suggested I go to urgent care and suggested that it could be this palsy. I went to the hospital with Julia and Dinah, and they prescribed me a steroid and said most people get better with in 6 weeks. In the mean time, it will be very strange eating and I can make really funny faces:
That last one is my "kissy" face, if you can't tell.
Oh! And I can't really close my right eyelid, so I have to wear an eyepatch at night so nothing scratches my eyeball.
Oh my God! You look so funny! I'm glad you have a sense of humor about this! It's like you have two different faces! I love you bunches! I'm glad you're ok. Kisses!
Oh,and I love the pictures of you and Julia! They're great!
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