Monday night, Dr. Maura Cullen came to campus as part of Orientation to give a speech on diversity. I was in the front row with a group of girls from my dorm, and 3 of us were absolutely bawling by the end. She was a great speaker.
Wednesday night, a professor from England gave a lecture on Globalization. Scripps (and the rest of the Claremont colleges) get great speakers to come give lectures, and I'm pretty excited for some of them. Next week's lecture is "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein, and next month Jared Diamond (author of Guns, Germs and Steel) will come and give a lecture centered around his latest book, Collapse. Karl Rove is coming on Monday to talk about "Politics and the Presidency." Some students have organized a protest for tonight against his coming to speak at all.
And in slightly sweeter news, the Motley coffeehouse had it's opening night celebration last night.
1 comment:
We miss you ariel.
I'm having trouble choosing colleges. My friend who told me she'd room with me at OSU now chooses to go to U of O with our other friends. So I'm alone, and stuck.
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