Monday, September 29, 2008

Another Monday

We get our Writing 50 papers back today, so hopefully I didn't do too badly. I was always pretty high up on the curve in high school, but everyone here is a good writer.
My Core paper is going pretty well. I've got 3 pages so far, and all I have left to do is to write my introduction and conclusion. It's not due until Thursday, so I'm feeling pretty good about it. I might finish it and take it to the writing center tomorrow night so I can get some help revising and editing it.
Tonight I'm getting together with my lab group to work on revising our lab write up from last week. I have to skip pilates to do it though, which is a huge bummer.
I haven't been taking very many pictures lately. Carrying around my camera hasn't been terribly practical. I'm going to a meeting for "Voice: the Scripps college newspaper" tonight, and may decide to take pictures for them. I never heard back from "The Student Life," the 5-college newspaper.

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