Thursday, September 18, 2008

Week 3 of School

Monday: Karl Rove came to campus and students peacefully, but loudly, protested in front of the auditorium. They died fountains red like blood and held a teach-in led by many professors of the 5 colleges. I went to Pilates instead.

Tuesday: Scripps hosted a 5-college club fair and "Turf dinner." All 5 college dining halls came up with a menu around the theme "carnival" and distributed their food on the lawn. Unfortunately, it was too small a space for all the kids from all 5 colleges, and getting food was super hard. And none of it was very good. I signed up for "On the Loose" a club that organizes outings to places like Mount Baldy, the beach, Joshua Tree- anywhere outdoors. I also got information from the Scripps College Newspaper, and the 5-C newspaper. It sounded like they could both use photographers, and I only have to be involved as much as I want to be.Wednesday: I watched Bones with someone from another dorm. I thought more people would be watching, but I guess America's Next Top Model is in the same time slot. I also talked to my Writing Professor about using Buffy in my compare and contrast paper. She thought it sounded great, so I'm really excited.

Today: Tonight is a lecture called "the Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein about "disaster capitalism." That would be when people profit off of disasters like New Orleans or the tsunami. It sounds like she would be an interesting speaker.

Tomorrow: My first test as a college student! I think it should go well, and I feel prepared. It's in Italian, which is the only class I have on Fridays, thank goodness.

Scripps emailed out information about the Critical Language Scholarship Program, which is a summer program run by the state department where you live in a different country for 7-10 weeks and learn their language. They pay for it completely and offer programs for beginners in Arabic, Bengali, Hindi, Korean, Punjabi, Turkish and Urdu. I'm seriously thinking about it. There aren't that many downsides.

1 comment:

James of Arabia said...

Good to hear about your experiences in college. The lectures sound great!
Keep taking pictures!!!

love, Dad